A home-based business offers diverse advantages, from decreased overhead to more personal freedom. As All Business explains, you enjoy the liberty of being your own boss, allowing you to live and work on your own terms.

Growing a business takes time and effort, however: Success doesn’t happen overnight. Outsourcing those tasks you don’t know a thing about will streamline the process. For example, if you need a website but don’t know a thing about websites or graphic design, a pro like Brittney Gaddis Design can help you avoid common web design mistakes.

Read on for a step-by-step guide to building your home-based business.

Set up a workspace where you can focus

Startup Mindset reveals that many big-name businesses started at home, from Amazon to Spanx. While there’s nothing wrong with launching a company out of your home, it’s important to carve out a separate workspace for your business operations. As Generation Y explains, having a separate office space improves concentration and boosts productivity.

Create a home-based business plan

A business plan is a detailed document outlining exactly what your business does and how it’s run. It covers everything from product and service descriptions to marketing plans and financial projections. Entrepreneur explains that a business plan can help you better define your business’ goals, unique selling proposition, and more. You may also need this document for practical purposes, such as securing funding from external investors.

Determine how much funding you’ll need

One of the biggest benefits of a home-based business is that it keeps overhead costs low. However, you may still need some funds to get started. The US Small Business Association has a handy guide to help you calculate startup costs, covering everything from equipment to communications needs and licenses. Once you know how much you’ll need, you can start looking into funding options, from bank lenders to angel investors.

Create some basic marketing materials

To secure your first customers, you’ll need to invest in some basic marketing and advertising. An online presence for business is essential these days, so a good starting point is to create a website and social media accounts. You can make your website more visible online with search engine marketing, SEM, techniques. If you don’t have a clue about SEM, look for an expert to optimize your web content. You can find SEM services for hire via Upwork, searching for profiles based on project delivery time, cost, and more.

Get your paperwork organized from the start

As a small business owner, you’ll quickly find the paperwork piling up. From expense notes for work tools to client invoices, it’s important to hang on to all of this documentation. Come up with an organizational system now so you don’t lose any important papers. These kinds of documents will be important for bookkeeping and tax purposes later. Dummies has a cheat sheet for small business owners. For example, file balance sheets and financial statements can be filed under “accounting” and client agreements under “contracts.”

Get help when needed

Inc.com reveals that one of the most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs is failing to delegate. Trying to do it all yourself can leave you overwhelmed and frazzled, increasing the risk of entrepreneurial burnout. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. Outsourcing basic tasks like administrative paperwork can free up your time so you can concentrate on more important aspects of running your business.

Starting your own business can be daunting at times. Stick with it. With perseverance — and occasional external help from other experts — you will achieve your entrepreneurial dream.

Brittney Gaddis Design offers web and graphic design services designed to help small businesses thrive. I pride myself on helping startup-owners create user-friendly, attractive websites that engage clients and boost conversions. Contact me to discuss your needs.