Professional Graphic Designers and Social Media Managers can relate on so many topics. We are creative, business-savvy, and have challenging public perceptions about our field to overcome. My name is Marissa Conniff from Upward Anthems and I have met and worked with so many talented graphic designers throughout my career as a professional social media manager. This is an ode to all of you! You know who you are! Here are some ways I often relate to graphic designers about my job as a social media manager.

People think we have the same job

Just because I am a social media manager does NOT mean I am a graphic design artist. And just because you are a graphic designer does not mean you are a social media wizard! Yes, it is helpful for us to know a little bit about each other’s fields but we do not need to be experts in both. Social media marketing and graphic design are very different skills! This is not the only misconception about social media, trust me.

We need each other

Social media is a great way to reinforce a visual brand with an audience. At the same time, it’s hard to be successful on social media without a solid visual identity. In my opinion, every brand should be working with a professional graphic designer and a professional social media manager.

When that kind of magic happens, there are certain ways we can communicate to be more successful. Here are some things we often need from each other.

Social Media Info Needed for Graphic Designers

  • Content calendars
  • Image dimensions
  • Examples of high performing posts
  • Audience data

Graphic Design Elements Needed for Social Media

  • Fonts
  • Colors
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Templates

Our jobs seem easy

Logos look so simple, therefore they must be easy to create, right? WRONG. The same goes for social media. Social media is something people do for fun! They think we are LUCKY to work on Instagram. There are definitely reasons I am grateful to be a social media manager, but my job requires skill, strategic thinking, creativity, and proper tools to execute. Graphic designers and social media managers are often told to make things “pop” and get the job done in an hour. It’s also helpful to know how to use emojis.

We are creative and business-oriented

Whenever I am with my artsy friends, they tell me I am so “business-y”. When I’m with my colleagues I am viewed as “a creative”. Graphic designers and social media managers need to be fun, entertaining, and deadline-oriented. We help develop the personality of businesses and brands. We are not saving lives, but our work requires a ton of creative energy and strategic planning.

“I guess we fall under marketing?”

Yes, we may sit in the marketing department but we generally help everyone. We help our own team, executives, the recruiting team, the sales team, the support teams, the UX teams, etc.

We are collaborative and like to work alone

Graphic designers and social media managers have to consider the wants and needs of many people when creating a brand or social media calendar. We often want everyone’s input, but we also need our quiet time to actually get the work done. Each of us deals with endless revisions and waiting for other people. Many of us end up leaving salaried positions so we can run our own businesses by providing contract services to multiple clients. Can I get an amen?

If you need help with social media and marketing strategy, set up a free discovery call with me. For branding, graphic design, and website design – I recommend Brittney Gaddis. She and I have collaborated in the past to bring high-quality marketing visuals and strategies to life on the web and social media. We can team up and help you redefine your brand and approach to marketing!

Check out other blogs on social media marketing by Marissa Conniff here.

Marissa Coniff, Social Media Marketing Manager

Meet Marissa

Marissa Conniff has over ten years of social media, blogging, and content marketing experience in various industries like arts, technology, tourism, higher education, and small businesses.

Having witnessed the influential powers of social media throughout her career, Marissa now helps artists and entrepreneurs by sharing strategic, creative, and community-based campaigns.

Upward Anthems was established in March of 2020 and it’s Marissa’s favorite job of all time.